However, there's an unexamined tradition of verbal innovation that we should not overlook. According to Jesse Sheidlower's The F Word, a pleasingly comprehensive historical dictionary of the development of swear word, Stephen King can claim credit for the first written instance of not one, but two variants on "the F bomb" (though not the term "the F bomb" itself, which first appeared in print in 1988 in the pages of Newsday).
King's first major contribution to mankind's understanding of the many nuances of the fucking, in its literal and metaphorical senses, appears in his never-quite-done milestone The Stand. In that ever-metastasizing novel, King added a meaning to the nearly century-old term fuckery.
The word fuckery, meaning a brothel, first appeared in print in 1906, gaining a second sense of "intercourse" by the 1961. In 1978, Stephen King innovated a third sense that, stunningly, moved strictly into the abstract realm of ethical philosophy. King used fuckery to mean "despicable behavior, (also) treachery." From The Strand:
This was an act of pure human fuckery.
King's second inno-fucking-vation appeared in the pages of his 1986 novel It. There King fused two popular derogatories to create the portmanteau word fucknuts, meaning "a stupid or contemptible person." Here comes the literature:
"Why did you do that?"
"Because I felt like it, fucknuts!" Henry roared back.
I feel fucknuts is a particularly charming coinage in its combination of a classic obscene term with a coyly infantile euphemism. That mixture of cynical bitterness and awkward innocence is true art.
Do the Strand, love
When you feel love
It's the new way
That's why we say
Do the Strand
That being said, King really is a genius of obscenity. And racial epithets, too. Without him I wouldn't be able to refer to my non-lapsed Catholic family as "mackerel snappers."
Had your fill of quadrilles
The madison and cheap thrills
Bored with the beguine
The samba isn´t your scene
In "The F Word," King's rate is crushed by Henry Miller, but I suspect that has to do with restricting the dictionary to Henry's favorite verb and it's off-shoots. If had just been blue language in general, King's full range could have been brought to bear.
Still, two novel f-bomb coinages is two more than I can claim.
It reminds me of "fuckass" from Donnie Darko.
Cujo and It both scared the bejesus out of me and I just read the books!
The man is a master of supense.
That post is equal parts interesting and depressing - I had no idea anyone would consider King to be a serious writer.
I'm especially fond of that flick as Maggie is my neighbor and I'm constantly told by wife that it would not be appropriate to ask her how to "suck a f**k."
Take it up with The New Yorker, who also made Gossip Girls essential viewing for anybody over 30. I have no control over the issue.
Just to lower the tone, lets not forget the walking pharmacy crooning of Ms Amy Winehouse "What kind of fuckery is this?" on the track Me and Mr Jones. Which I may be known to commit my dulcet tones to after too many red wines ;)
King's contributions to popular culture are apparently endless! And to 'Anonymous', I'm surprised that anyone would debate King's skill as a writer at this point. Like him or not, or whether you consider him past his prime or not, if you "had no idea" anyone would consider him as a serious author, that's a case of myopia on your part.
What a cool accolade to have. "I coined a new definition for 'fuckery.' You're welcome." Hah.
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