Custom Creatures Taxidermy, itself a creation of artist Sarina Brewer, will not only whip together a stuffed creature that previously existed only in your head, see the gaff (an old carny term for a faked-up beastie) shown above, but they can also provide you with preserved chupacabras, stuffed unicorns, mummified werewolf hands (or is it paws?), and other uncanny artworks.
My wife would most likely kill me - and then have me stuffed - if I brought one of these amazing pieces into our humble home. But that's shouldn't stop you from throwing a little biz CCT's way. For the truly show-stopping pieces, check out the "carcass art" category.
There's a chupacabra, but no big foot ?
I'm afraid to ask what it would cost for a custom bigfoot model or appendage..
I'm sure they could cost it out for you. The real question is what would they make it out of? An ape's foot?
Heh... I can only imagine the look of horror on my wife's face if she returned from her business trip to find me surrounded by an army of stuffed flying monkeys... This image will now haunt my dreams until I make it a reality...
Those are great! I would love to own the squirrel trophy head but my husband would also kill me. I had a similar incident happen when I decided I wanted a real human skull and was threatened by the entire family that that was not an option - instead they got me a resin one that actually does look pretty close to the real thing. And then I had that time when after reading a Victorian mystery novel I just had to have some stuffed hummingbirds - I even found some for sale on ebay at a reasonable price ($20) and was very happy until once again the family chimed in and crushed my dreams of small feathered carcasses by saying that if they came into the house they would get thrown away when I wasn't there. **sigh** Well my cat most likely would have eaten them anyway!
It's probably best that you only got a skull reproduction. They don't have the annoying tendancy to float around at night, inhabited by the former owner's spirit.
It's a little like having roaches but worse; you turn on the light in the kitchen in the middle of the night, and there's the darned skull hovering in the open fridge door looking for a snack.
And you just know that snack is justed wasted effort 'cause it's just a skull and it doesn't even have a tummy. I don't know how you put up with skulls like you do. You're a saint, man.
Heh, reminds me of that scene from Dexter involving custom taxidermy.
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