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Stuff: Even I, Lucas, have heard the legend of the Fish-Man. And I, Lucas, have a small statue of him fighting the Predator too.
It's been way too long since I've indulged in any Creature from the Black Lagoon goodness, so I give you something to waste those last few moments of the interminable Friday workday afternoon: a link to a nice gallery of Gillman models – from the goofy, such as the Creature's Crate above, to the kind-of-badass, such as the Creature versus Predator statue shown below. Be sure to check out the bizarre female creature models. Though it has always been a fragment of the beast's sad legend that he is, in fact, the last of his kind, model makers can't seem to resist giving the Gillman a she-creature sea creature to hang with. Inexplicably, these she-creatures always seem to have breasts, suggesting that these fish folk nurse like mammals. Too weird to think about. Have fun this weekend, my little Screamers and Screamettes.
That looks like a tech-less predator.. Arnold already proved that if you disable the technology, the predator isn't so tough..
Now, the aliens, on the other hand..
Hey now, Screamin' Sassy, that Predator still has his little jabby-thingie on his arm. He isn't completely tech free. Those are very sharp. The Creature could get poked in the eye or they could break the skin, which could lead to an infection if it isn't treated properly. The threat is, I think, very real.
The idea of the Predator hunting the Creature is cool. Maybe someday we'll get a movie of it, after Sommers makes a Creature remake.
The world can always use more Creature. Once upon a story I saw a burlesque type show featuring the Creatire. Good times. Boobs and Creature, together at last.
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