The loser of ANTSS "Killer Kaiju" give away is Charlotte, NC. Why? Because it is the stomping grounds of choice for our winner: Aaron White! To claim your prize, shoot me an email at crwm44[the at symbol]yahoo[the dot]com.
A building-sized thanks to everybody who played along.
Aww for me but woohoo for Aaron! Thanks for hosting CRwM! Now maybe I can get you to enter one of mine ;)
congrats, and too bad for charlotte. i'm convinced it's for the best, though. :D
I'd like to thank my wife for letting me waste time on the internet, Zoe for the affirmation, and of course the crafty, witty and generous Mr. CRWM for giving me free awesome stuff that I haven't earned and don't deserve. God +/-zilla bless us every one!
let me offer a kick to the groin. err. firm hand on the throat.. No. Warm congratulations to the winner.
Good point HaroldM22!
Congrats Aaron, your book is on its way!
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